How to HEAL after a BREAKUP! Stephanie Lyn Coaching
I want to talk
about something that is really important if you are going through a
divorce or you are experiencing a break up or just experienced a
heartbreak You know when a relationship ends especially when we've been blindsided
or something happens to us that you know up a trail or something like that,
that causes a relationship to end and it is such a difficult thing to go
we've been just living our lives as if something's happening and then all of a sudden
it's gone. It's not happening any more and obviously this is very similar
to grieving of a death. And that's why they say when a relationship ends
you need to grieve so in this article I want to talk about some things
that you can start doing to heal from this heartbreak that you're feeling and
really start loving yourself through this healing journey.
Healing after
Loving yourself after
heartbreak these are two things that are a small.loving yourself is a
hundred percent Essential towards healing but real true healing comes in the
things that you're doing on a day-to-day basis . Now some people say
that time heals all wounds and I actually disagree and one of the reasons why I
started coaching was because I was seeing so many people that were staying
stuck in anger and blame and unforgiveness and guilt and shame and all of these
things because of what someone did to them And I wanted to help them
expand their awareness on that relationship in the situation and really
learn how to heal from it and be able to you know survive and regain their
self-confidence and their self-esteem that they probably lost from that
experience and create a new life for themselves and so how does time
heal it. I don't think it does.I think time helps you heal as long as you're
doing the things that you need to do to heal
So in this
blog I want to go over some things that you should be doing on a day to
day basis to help yourself heal through this process .So right off the bat the
biggest thing that I can't stress enough is when you're going through
heartbreak, going through the divorce and when you're ending a
relationship,a betrayal has happened and now you have to deal with that
Allow yourself to feel
you have to be very patient with yourself in this process and know this is
gonna be a process. I need to sit in how I feel and you have to really be with
yourself and how you feel every single day, and it is an emotional roller
coaster. There are some days where you're gonna be totally fine and you're
gonna be over it and you're gonna be in such a good spot and so hopeful
and then there are other days where you're gonna be angry and you're gonna be
frustrated, and you're gonna have some resentment and you might be a little
bitter or you know you might feel like a victim at points.You know it you might
have these ups and downs and that's okay. That's okay .That's perfectly normal
to have these moments of going back and forth between all of these emotions, so
being very patient with yourself, and this process is absolutely huge
because if you're feeling a feeling you know let's say we're feeling loneliness
or Sadness or anger or whatever it is that we're feeling and we don't sit
in it. It's going to stay with us it's never gonna leave us so until you
sit with how you feel and parent yourself and love yourself through that
feeling and tell yourself the stuff that you need to be telling yourself to
move through thatFeeling you're never gonna get rid of that feeling because
basically what you're doing is you're just suppressing your feelings
You're not experiencing the feeling
and something that I heard a great coach who name's Lisa Ramona, so definitely
check her out But a lot of coaches talk about this and a lot of motivational
speakers talk about this
And it just is the truth is your
feelings are not Who you are you know when these feelings come? We don't live
in this feeling It's just a feeling and feelings pass.It's when we stay stuck
in the feeling that we suffer.So if you stay stuck in anger if you stay stuck
and sadness and all of these feelings and you think that this feeling is who
you are then you're going to stay stuck in it, but when you see our feelings
coming up of Sadness of loneliness of anger of whatever it is that you don't
want to experience?
And you just observe the feeling
it's so much easier to
love yourself through it number one
and let it kind of take its course and and pass through it's when we .Hold onto
the feeling we think that the feeling is just what we're gonna feel forever and
ever that we tend to stay stuck inIt or We just suppress the feeling you know a
feelings coming through us and all of a sudden
Oh, I don't want to feel sadness
here. I go. I'm gonna suppress it um we don't ever get better
We don't ever heal. We don't ever
move on from what someone else has done to us
learning how to parent yourself
Learning how to love yourself
through a feeling that you're having is
absolutely huge, and it's something
that I don't think a lot of people are taught
I mean, I wasn't taught it either
and most people aren't taught it. They're not taught how do you?
Experience a feeling and and love
yourself through that feeling most of the times
Especially you know with children we
get angry with them for having a feeling especially if it's a feeling that's
inconvenient for us, so If your child is getting angry about something that you
think is irrational or completely ridiculous,We invalidate that feeling we
don't validate what that child is feeling and I always use the example of my
son because he's three and he is in the midst of feeling everything and he has
no logic yet really um and he is trying to learn how to process his feelings in
some days as a parent
I'm gonna be honest and I know every
parent out there can agree with me it is
Frustrating it's not an easy thing
to do to parent this child that has not a lot of logic yet
These feelings so now imagine what
it would feel like to parent a child through a feeling that has logic.It would
be a lot more easier
Which is yourself you have logic so
logically you know that what you're feeling is a feeling and
We're not because we're not taught
as a child how to move through those feelings as an adult
We're not taught
We don't in me we don't do those
things as adults for ourselves
and then what we do is just suppress
what we're feeling because we didn't learn how to
Move through or feel what we're
feeling in a healthy way, so how do we love ourselves?
How do we parent ourself through a
feeling one of the examples that I always give is?
You know if you were sitting down
with your best friend if you were sitting down with someone that you loved
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